When: Friday, May 10th from 6-8 PM at Highpoint Church

Canvas / Painting: Think of speed-dating but with a canvas! You’ll leave with a unique piece of artwork designed by all the women at the party!

Charcuterie / Food: We’re asking each of you to bring your best / craziest / unique / favorite charcuterie board to share. Do you love candy? Make a candy board. Is your favorite color green? Bring a green-themed board. Get creative and HAVE FUN because there may be a prize for the best one – only rule, must fit on a board or platter!



  • I don’t know how to paint very well, can I still come? ABSOLUTELY! This will be fun for everyone, regardless of your artistic ability!
  • I have a food allergy, will there be something for me to eat? Short answer, yes! Since all the food will be charcuterie style boards brought in by each of the ladies, use that opportunity to make a board you can eat without fear!
  • Can I bring my kids? This is a “women only” party (17 yr olds and up)! We all need a break from our kids every once in a while!
  • Is there a cost? Yes. $20 per person* to cover painting materials. Note: Whatever you choose to put on your charcuterie board will be an additional expense for you. *Don’t let cost be the reason you don’t come – email Lauren (LHoolehan@highpointcincy.church) if you need assistance.