"... because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now." Philippians 1:5

Why Partnership, not Membership?

There are so many people who have the “me first” mentality in churches – what makes me feel good, what are they doing for me, how are they meeting my demands, etc.

The term partnership” originates from the Greek word koinōnia translated as “fellowship” or “friendship”. But it is so much more than that – it moves past the surface-level fellowship, to deep communion with other believers. It conveys the idea of sharing in something, actively participating in what God has done, and will continue to do, in our church and in the lives of the families within our church.

Who can become a Partner at Highpoint?

To become a Partner at Highpoint:

  • You must be saved and have a personal relationship with Jesus. Because of your profession of faith, you must also be baptized. If you haven’t been baptized as a believer, we would love to talk with you about taking that next step!


  • Our mission at Highpoint is to help people believe in, belong to, and become like Jesus. Because of that, we are looking for people who are…
    • Compelled to share the Gospel
    • Committed to God’s work within our church
    • Courageous to boldly speak the truth, in love, to unbelievers
    • Contagious in their excitement and love for the Lord and His church


  • You also need to agree with our core beliefs as stated on our BELIEFS page.
How do I become a Partner?

We are excited you’re interested in partnering with us in ministry! In order to take the next steps of partnership, you must do the following:

  • Go through our Step 1 & 2 classes. We typically offer those twice a year but can make exceptions, as needed.


  • After completing the classes, you will have a 30-minute meeting with two of our elders.

Interested in becoming a partner at Highpoint?

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From Greek, translated to mean:
The Christian fellowship or body of believers; an intimate spiritual communion & participative sharing in a common religious commitment & spiritual community